Stay in the present
During the Mercury Retrograde, it can sometimes feel difficult to stay in the present moment. You might also feel resistance to actually enjoy the present moment. During this time, your mind is wanting to go from past to future, but does not want to stay in the here and now. Try to engage in daily activities that help you to enjoy the present moment. Participate in activities that involve using all of your senses. Go for a walk in nature. Swim in the ocean or in a pool - be in water. Smell a flower, order something new on the menu at a restaurant, or take a yoga class.
Buy a journal
Writing down how you feel is necessary for growth and reflection. Anything that comes up, write it down. This will help to clear and organise your thinking and thoughts. You might start to see patterns, which will help you to make changes in your day to day life. Draw your feelings, and emotions. Allow your pen or pencil to flow on the paper like the wind blows on a leaf.
Take a moment to breathe
Taking time to just breathe is essential for mercury retrograde. During this time, there is so much emotional energy floating around. Try to breathe it out any emotion that doesn’t serve you in the present moment. Breathe in, hold it, then let it out a big sigh. The breath is such a gift, that helps us to connect to the present moment, and helps us let go of meaningless mind chatter.
Don’t take anything personal
Emotion can sometimes make people say and do things they don’t mean. Communication during this time could be coming from reaction, and has nothing to do with you. When things are said, go into a observing/watcher space, like you are at the cinema. This will help to diffuse the emotional energy that is coming your way.
This too, shall pass
Think about a storm, it can be there for several minutes or a couple of hours, then it passes. The sun comes out and shines again. That is the mercury retrograde. It is happening so you can reflect, grow and change. This time is there for you to go deep inside of who you are. These feelings that are coming up will pass, give it time.
Forgive everyone
During the retrograde, anger will often come up. Your jaw might feel more tense then usual and forgiveness is key. Doing a forgiveness meditation during the retrograde will help alleviate feelings of anger and resentment.
Go into a silent meditation. Smile, relax and breathe. Think of someone who has hurt you in the past, say there name and say I forgive you. Breath in. Breath out. If you can go deeper, ask them to forgive you. Do this with as many people as you like. This will help you to let go of any anger or resentment in your body.
I hope these tips will help you during this upcoming retrograde! Enjoy!